Android Studio の セキュリティアラート が発令中!!

今, メール受信したけど.


Dear Android Studio Developer,

As an app developer on Google Play, we wanted to make you aware of an important security update for Android Studio.

On May 11th, we released the Android Studio 2.1.1 update. This incremental update addresses a security vulnerability in the underlying IntelliJ platform that affects all previous versions of Android Studio. The vulnerability concerns the IDE itself and has no effect on individual apps.

Please update to Android Studio 2.1.1 as soon as possible. More information about the vulnerability can be found in this G+ posting. JetBrains has also released more details on the vulnerability.

To address this security vulnerability, simply go into Android Studio and check updates. For OS X users, navigate to the Android Studio Menu and click Check for Updates. For Windows or Linux users, navigate to the Help menu and click Check for Updates. You should be running at least Android Studio 2.1.1. The update message was sent as a in-product notification to all users of Android Studio. If you want a new install, you can download v2.1.1 from the Android Studio website.

If you’re still using v1.5.x and not able to switch to v2.x immediately, please download Android Studio v1.5.2 from the Android Studio tools website.


The Android Studio Team

正直, このメールさえもなんだかクリックするのが怖い...

以下, HTMLメールに掲載されているリンク先一覧.

Download Android Studio and SDK Tools | Android Developers

Please update to Android Studio v2.1.1 We wanted to make you aware of an imp...

Security update for IntelliJ-based IDEs v2016.1 and older versions | Company Blog

Android Studio 1.5.2 - Android Studio Project Site

どのリンクもクリックするとまともなサイトが表示されるのですが, どのリンクもリダイレクトされているのが, なんとなくきもい.


バージョン 2.1.1 にしておけばいいということですかね.



【Android Studio】idea.vmoptions の設定

少し遅すぎないかと思い, ビルド時間を短縮しようとな.






Tips: Android StudioのIDEのメモリ割り当てを増やす(Xmxはどこやねん) - sos の 作業メモ


[Android Studio] 起動時のメモリ割り当てサイズを変更する / コンパイラのエンコーディングを変更する | Developers.IO


PSA: Apparently assigning a ton of memory to gradle makes it noticeably faster.. : androiddev


One and the only one reason to customize IntelliJ IDEA memory settings - Tomasz Dziurko


Prashanth's Blog: Performance Tuning of IntelliJ IDEA startup options

こんなグラフあったけども, そんなにデフォルトではとろいのか?


きっと多くの環境で稼働できるようにやわらかめの設定なのでしょうね, デフォルトって.

Configuring JVM options and platform properties – JetBrains Support

Android Studio の ビルド がやけにトロい

関連ワード:  AndroidAndroidStudio開発

ButterKnife 8.0 に更新で @Bind → @BindView など



Version 8.0.0 (2016-04-25)

- @Bind becomes @BindView and @BindViews (one view and multiple views, respectively).
- Calls to bind now return an Unbinder instance which can be used to null references. - This replaces the unbind API and adds support for being able to clear listeners.
- New: @BindArray binds String, CharSequence, and int arrays and TypeArray to fields.
- New: @BindBitmap binds Bitmap instances from resources to fields.
- @BindDrawable now supports a tint field which accepts a theme attribute.

-The runtime and compiler are now split into two artifacts.

compile 'com.jakewharton:butterknife:8.0.0'
apt 'com.jakewharton:butterknife-compiler:8.0.0'

- New: apply overloads which accept a single view and arrays of views.
- ProGuard rules now ship inside of the library and are included automatically.
- @Optional annotation is back to mark methods as being optional.

butterknife/ at master · JakeWharton/butterknife

明示することで, バインドできるリソース範囲を広げながら処理速度は落とさない.

あと, proguard 記述は不要なのだとさ.

Butter Knife