@ObsoleteCoroutinesApi とは「様子見」?

Coroutine で Channel 辺りをウロウロと。


This declaration is experimental and its usage should be marked with '@kotlinx.coroutines.ObsoleteCoroutinesApi' or '@UseExperimental(kotlinx.coroutines.ObsoleteCoroutinesApi::class)'


From the point of usage `ObsoleteCoroutinesApi` is just like experimental. The different is in intent. When API is experimental it might change or might graduate as is. For obsolete API we already know that there are problems with designs that will force us to deprecated this API in the future when we have a better replacement.

Right now there is no replacement for channel operations, so you have no choice but continue using them. However, we plan to replace them with mechanism based on lazy/cold streams (#254) in the future, which will get you much better performance.

What is the recommended approach for @ObsoleteCoroutinesApi #632


使用の観点からObsoleteCoroutinesApiは実験的なようです。 違いは意図しています。 APIが実験的なものである場合、それは変更されるか、またはそのまま卒業するかもしれません。 時代遅れのAPIについては、より良い代替品があるときに将来的にこのAPIを非推奨にするような設計上の問題があることはすでにわかっています。

今のところチャンネル操作に代わるものはないので、あなたには選択肢がないがそれらを使い続けることができる。 ただし、将来的にはレイジー/コールドストリーム(#254)に基づくメカニズムに置き換える予定です。これにより、パフォーマンスが大幅に向上します。



→ 将来的には、変更される or そのまま。


→ 設計上の問題がある。

→ 今現在、代替えはない。

→ 将来的には非推奨。


_events.consumeEach {


「Unresolved reference: R」と出る


androidx か?

Unresolved reference: R - Twitter検索 / Twitter

AGP3.3 - Twitter検索 / Twitter



JetBrains Toolbox で Android Studio の Stable/Beta/Canary が同時に管理できる?

kotlinx.android.synthetic は使わないほうがいいのか

2) Replaced kotlinx synthetic with findViewById

kotlinx.android.synthetic is no longer a recommended practice. Removing
in favour of explicit findViewById.

Sample updates: Fragment state, synth accessors (Ic472f90e) · Gerrit Code Review

Hey! Developer Advocate for Android at Google here!

I wanted to add a bit of background here. Kotlin Extensions with synthetic views was never intentionally “recommended” though that shouldn’t be taken as a recommendation to not use them. If they're working for you please feel free to continue using them in your app!

We’ve been shifting away from them (e.g. we don’t teach them in the Udacity course) because they expose a global namespace of ids that’s unrelated to the layout that’s actually inflated with no checks against invalid lookups, are Kotlin only, and don't expose nullability when views are only present in some configuration. All together, these issues cause the API to increase number of crashes for Android apps.

On the other hand, they do offer a lightweight API that can help simplify view lookups. In this space it's also worth taking a look at Data Binding which also does automatic view lookups - as well as integrates with LiveData to automatically update your views as data changes.

Today, there's a few options in this space that work:

Data Binding is the recommendation for view lookup as well as binding, but it does add a bit of overhead when compared to Android Kotlin Extensions. It's worth taking a look to see if this is a good fit for your app. Data Binding also allows you to observe LiveData to bind views automatically when data changes. Compared to Kotlin Extensions, it adds compile time checking of view lookups and type safety.

Android Kotlin Extensions is not officially recommended (which is not the same as recommendation against). It does come with the issues mentioned above, so for our code we're not using them.

Butter Knife is another solution that is extremely popular and works for both Kotlin and the Java Programming Language.

Reading through the comments here there's a lot of developers that are having great luck with Kotlin Extensions. That's great - and something we'll keep in mind as we look at ways to continue improving our APIs. If you haven't taken a look at Data Binding, definitely give it a shot.

As an aside, our internal code style guide is not intended to be directly applied outside of our codebase. For example, we use mPrefixVariables, but there's no reason that every app should follow that style.

Why kotlinx synthetic is no longer a recommended practice : androiddev



「user_name」 と 「userName」


mobile - Android id naming convention: lower case with underscore vs. camel case - Stack Overflow


findViewById 万歳!

ButterKnife 万歳!

kotlin-examples/gradle/android-butterknife at master · JetBrains/kotlin-examples

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