設定「画面の自動回転」は OFF で良い。





👉 【Android Pie】Auto-rotate (自動回転) OFF のときの挙動 

今現在のAndroid最新は「Anroid10」=「Android Q」ですが、画面回転の設定に関しては同様なことが言えます。





これは、「Android OS 9 Pie」でも「Android OS 10 Q」でも同様です。

「macOS Catalina 2月からAppleの公証が必要になる」とは何なの?

この方針はスムーズな移行のため、9月に一度緩和されていたが、来年2月3日から厳格に適用されるようになる。未公証の“野良アプリ”を「macOS Catalina」で実行しても、従来は警告で済んでいたが、それ以降はエラーで起動不能となるため、アプリに修正を施す必要がある。

👉 「macOS Catalina」で実行する野良アプリにはAppleによる公証が必要に ~来年2月から - 窓の杜 


Update to Notarization Prerequisites
December 23, 2019

In June, we announced that all Mac software distributed outside the Mac App Store must be notarized by Apple in order to run by default on macOS Catalina. In September, we temporarily adjusted the notarization prerequisites to make this transition easier and to protect users on macOS Catalina who continue to use older versions of software. Starting February 3, 2020, all submitted software must meet the original notarization prerequisites.

If you haven’t yet done so, upload your software to the notary service and review the developer log for warnings. These warnings will become errors starting February 3 and must be fixed in order to have your software notarized. Software notarized before February 3 will continue to run by default on macOS Catalina.

As a reminder, all installer packages must be signed since they may contain executable code. Disk images do not need to be signed, although signing them can help your users verify their contents.

👉 Update to Notarization Prerequisites - News - Apple Developer 

Notarizing Your Mac Software for macOS Catalina
September 3, 2019

As a reminder, Mac software distributed outside the Mac App Store must be notarized by Apple in order to run on macOS Catalina. To make this transition easier and to protect users on macOS Catalina who continue to use older versions of software, we’ve adjusted the notarization prerequisites until January 2020.

You can now notarize Mac software that:

Doesn’t have the Hardened Runtime capability enabled.
Has components not signed with your Developer ID.
Doesn’t include a secure timestamp with your code-signing signature.
Was built with an older SDK.
Includes the com.apple.security.get-task-allow entitlement with the value set to any variation of true.
Make sure to submit all versions of your software. While Xcode 10 or later is still required to submit, you don’t need to rebuild or re-sign your software before submission.

👉 Notarizing Your Mac Software for macOS Catalina - News - Apple Developer 


👉 onimのコメント / はてなブックマーク 


👉 takhasegawaのコメント / はてなブックマーク 


👉 アップル、Mac App Store外アプリの「公証」要件を厳格化。2020年2月3日から - Engadget 日本版 


『「公証」の審査基準の厳格化』ということだけで、以下 GateKeeper まわりの操作や挙動は2月以降も同様ということになりますでしょうか。

👉 Mac で App を安全に開く - Apple サポート 


PreferenceFragmentCompat に ViewModel を注入する



ViewModel の Fragment プロパティ への注入。


HasAndroidInjector を使う

👉 Dagger2: 2.23に入ったHasAndroidInjectorについて - stsnブログ 

class SettingsFragment : PreferenceFragmentCompat(), HasAndroidInjector {

  lateinit var androidInjector: DispatchingAndroidInjector<Any>

  override fun androidInjector(): AndroidInjector<Any> = androidInjector

  override fun onAttach(context: Context) {

👉 android - Using Dagger2 with PreferenceFragmentCompat - Stack Overflow 

Dagger は Square が管理してたほうが良かったんじゃねか、と思う。
