Counting running jobs: When a job starts, increment a counter. When it finishes, decrement it. The app is idle if the counter is zero. This approach is very simple and accounts for most situations. CountingIdlingResource does exactly this.
Querying state: It might be more reliable to ask a work queue or an HTTP client (or whatever is doing the background work) if it is busy. If the state is exposed, implementing an Idling Resource is trivial.
public void loadNotes(boolean forceUpdate) {
if (forceUpdate) {
// The network request might be handled in a different thread so make sure Espresso knows
// that the app is busy until the response is handled.
EspressoIdlingResource.increment(); // App is busy until further notice
mNotesRepository.getNotes(new NotesRepository.LoadNotesCallback() {
public void onNotesLoaded(List<Note> notes) {
EspressoIdlingResource.decrement(); // Set app as idle.