あなたは Android Architecture Component をどう思いますか?


Frankly, the expectation is that all applications of a considerable size already use some form of DI. Thus providing yet another way to pass dependencies via context is an overkill. All "non-DI" facilities are just gimmicks/workarounds for cases when there is no DI.


On Android this sadly isn't the case. We seem to relish in bad architecture.

It's either "Why do I have to pass an executor/scheduler/dispatcher? So much boilerplate!" or "Why can't I test on the JVM? This library is poorly designed!"

Maybe KEEP-87 will save us from ourselves?


「executor / scheduler / dispatcher を渡す必要があるのはなぜですか? かなりのボイラープレートです。」、「なぜJVMでテストできないのですか?このライブラリは適切に設計されていません。」


👉 [Kotlin] KEEP87 brings compiler-driven dependency injection without frameworks : androiddev 

On unrelated note. (disclaimer: I'm not an Android developer) I have a feeling that something is broken in testing or architecture approaches here. I've been writing huge (1M+ LOCs) UI apps for more than a decade and never had to use either DI or statics to make them testable.

無関係なメモについて。 (免責事項:私はAndroidの開発者ではありません)何かがここでテストやアーキテクチャのアプローチで壊れていると感じています。私は10年以上にわたって巨大な(1M + LOC)UIアプリを書いてきました。そしてそれらをテストするために DI や statics を使う必要は決してありませんでした。

Android never had architecture guidelines and the docs encouraged doing all the wrong things to make the tutorials easy. Basically equivalent to writing everything in main(). Even now almost all of the architecture offerings treat symptoms of this legacy and not the disease.

Androidはアーキテクチャのガイドラインがなかったので、チュートリアルを簡単にするためにすべての間違ったことをすることをドキュメントを奨めてきました。基本的にmain() ですべてを書くのと同じです。現在でも、ほとんどのアーキテクチャがこの遺産の症状を治療していて、疾患を治療していません。

👉 Roman Elizarov on Twitter: "@JakeWharton Frankly, the expectation is that all applications of a considerable size already use some form of DI. Thus providing yet another way to pass dependencies via context is an overkill. All "non-DI" facilities are just gimmicks/workarounds for cases when there is no DI." / Twitter 


Roman Elizarov
Team Lead @JetBrains, working on @Kotlin coroutines and libs, sports programming/ICPC, concurrency & algorithms, math/quantitative finance; formerly @Devexperts

👉 Roman Elizarov (@relizarov) / Twitter 

Jake Wharton
Opinions expressed here are my own, not those of my company. They made me write this because I complain about Inbox going away so much.

👉 Jake Wharton (@JakeWharton) / Twitter 

Kotlin で FizzBuzz の適当な記述


👉 Fizz Buzz - Wikipedia 


👉 Kotlin Playground: Edit, Run, Share Kotlin Code Online 


👉 Kotlin で FizzBuzz 

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