Cannot Run Git : Cannot identify version of git executable: no response – on startup



Cannot Run Git : Cannot identify version of git executable: no response – on startup

Cannot Run Git : Cannot identify version of git executable: no response – on startu

調べてみると、IDEA Intellij のバグトラッカーに issue があります。

Even if the CLT is installed, if the background process is heavy (for example, after booting your mac), typing "git --version" into the terminal may result in no response for several tens of seconds.

I've had this issue on Mac a few times after a reboot and auto-reopen of the previous windows.
Easy fix: quit IntelliJ with Cmd+Q and reopen it.

I got this on Windows after a restart. As Filippo says, restarting the IDE works as a fix.

👉 Cannot identify version of git executable: no response – on startup : IDEA-219762 


Git の設定

一応、Git の設定画面を見てみましょう。



[Version Control]



Cannot Run Git : Cannot identify version of git executable: no response – on startu

確認したら、IDE (AndroidStudio など) をリスタートです。



IDE 再起動でダイアログは出なくなり正常に戻ります。

OS が忙しい時の Git コマンドのレスポンスの遅さが IDE に影響を及ぼしてるようです。

👉 【Homebrew】git が2つある場合 【macOS】 

関連ワード:  AndroidAndroidStudioGitJetBrainsツール開発