Google Play Store 開発者管理画面で以下のような表示がされてる.
調べてみると, フィッシングメールがアプリ開発者に向けて発射されてる模様.
同時に, 本物のGoogle からもこれについてメールがきてる.
We are aware that some Google Play developers have received policy warnings from a fake Google account. The subject lines of the fraudulent emails include variations of "3-Day Notification of Google Play Developer Term Violation." If you received an email with this subject line, please mark it as phishing and proceed to delete it without clicking on any links contained within it. Find out more about recognizing phishing emails here:
If you use Gmail, please report all phishing attempts by following these instructions:
As a general reminder, you should only enter your Google account password on the official Google sign-in page: Also note that the official URL for the Google Play Developer Console is
If you believe your account has been compromised, please follow these instructions:
The Google Play Support Team(c)2015 Google Inc.
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043You have received this mandatory email service announcement to update you about important information relating to your Google Play account.
StackOverflow でも話題に.
NOTE: A bunch of people reported getting these in the past few hours - these are ALL phishing scams and all came from an address with three o's in the email address: [email protected]
android - 3-Day Notification of Google Play Developer Term Violation - Stack Overflow
メールが来た場合, 誰でも必ずしなければならないこと
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他にどうにか対処法はないものか, どのメールが本物かいまいちわかりずらい.
About phishing - Accounts Help
Compromised Gmail account - Gmail Help