Android だけではありません.
iPhone やタブレットやMacなどすべてが
Device Metrics - Google Design
とりあえず, デザインや開発に便利に使えますね.
Android だけではありません.
iPhone やタブレットやMacなどすべてが
Device Metrics - Google Design
とりあえず, デザインや開発に便利に使えますね.
The fastest JSON parsing and serializing library available for Android. Based on Jackson's streaming API, LoganSquare is able to consistently outperform GSON and Jackson's Databind library by 400% or more1. By relying on compile-time annotation processing to generate code, you know that your JSON will parse and serialize faster than any other method available.
For the curious, the buildscript and apply plugin lines add the apt plugin, which is what allows us to do compile-time annotation processing. The first dependency is what tells Gradle to process your JSON annotations, and the second dependency is our tiny 19kb runtime library that interfaces with the generated code for you.
hvisser / android-apt — Bitbucket
buildscript { repositories { jcenter() } dependencies { classpath 'com.neenbedankt.gradle.plugins:android-apt:1.4' } } apply plugin: '' dependencies { apt 'com.bluelinelabs:logansquare-compiler:1.1.0' compile 'com.bluelinelabs:logansquare:1.1.0' }
少しサイズがでかいけど, 全部まとめて入れていました.
compile ''
apk を Play Store にアップすると必要権限が増えているといわれる.
コードはもちろん, AndroidManifest.xml もそのまま.
全部まとめ版 をやめて, 必要なものだけ入れましょう.
compile ''
これで, 実際に必要な権限だけで apk を作成, アップロードできます.
Setting Up Google Play Services | Google APIs for Android | Google Developers