AndroidStudio 0.2.13(Canary Build) で手動作業あります。


0.2.13 へ更新です。


Bug fixes:
The patch mechanism has been fixed (which prevented 0.2.12 from being sent out on the canary channel)
The Export APK dialog has been restored for Gradle projects (issue 60762)
The correct way to release an apk when using a Gradle project is to include your signing configuration inside your build scripts. This will allow you to properly sign the release versions of all the variants of your application by doing a "gradlew assembleRelease" from the command line.
We are working on coming up with a UI that achieves the same effect without having to edit the build.gradle files. (Issue 56532)
In the meantime, if you still choose to use the wizard, please make sure that you select a release version of your APK to sign and not a debug version.
From 0.2.12: The Breakpoints window does not work properly (issue 60721)
From 0.2.12: When using the Android Gradle plugin version 0.6.1, using JDK 7 in Studio does not work. ("Unable to find a JDK 1.6 installed", issue issue 60724)

Android Studio Canary Build - Android Tools Project Site


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Nexus 5 release date, pricing listed on Japanese site - Android Community



Nexus 5 Release Date and Price Disclosed By Japanese Retailer?


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Android OS の羅針盤「Xposed」とは?

Android OS 4.3.1 でカードでリアルタイムな情報をレコメンドする「Google Now」にて、お好みの言語で対応してるとか。

Included in this recap is an article reporting that Android 4.3.1 is coming to the Nexus 7 (2013) LTE and the announcement that you can use Google Now in any language.

Android 4.3.1 Coming to 2013 Nexus 7 LTE, Google Now in Any Language – xda-developers

今は「国際社会」ということで、以前から、任意の言語での対応は、「Xposed Module」なるところで進んでいたという。

Use Google Now in any Language – xda-developers


Say Goodbye to Custom “Stock” Roms and Hello to Xposed Framework – xda-developers



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