Google Play Services 7.5 にアップしたら 権限要求が増えた

少しサイズがでかいけど, 全部まとめて入れていました.

compile ''

apk を Play Store にアップすると必要権限が増えているといわれる.



コードはもちろん, AndroidManifest.xml もそのまま.

全部まとめ版 をやめて, 必要なものだけ入れましょう.

compile ''

これで, 実際に必要な権限だけで apk を作成, アップロードできます.

Setting_Up_Google_Play_Services_ ___ _Google_APIs_for_Android_ ___ _Google_Developers

Setting Up Google Play Services   |   Google APIs for Android   |   Google Developers

タイトル が「3-Day Notification of Google Play Developer Term Violation.」のメールが来た場合

Google Play Store 開発者管理画面で以下のような表示がされてる.


調べてみると, フィッシングメールがアプリ開発者に向けて発射されてる模様.


Developers: Look Out For This '3-Day Notification Of Google Play Developer Term Violation' Email, Because It Is A Phishing Scam

同時に, 本物のGoogle からもこれについてメールがきてる.

We are aware that some Google Play developers have received policy warnings from a fake Google account. The subject lines of the fraudulent emails include variations of "3-Day Notification of Google Play Developer Term Violation." If you received an email with this subject line, please mark it as phishing and proceed to delete it without clicking on any links contained within it. Find out more about recognizing phishing emails here:

If you use Gmail, please report all phishing attempts by following these instructions:

As a general reminder, you should only enter your Google account password on the official Google sign-in page: Also note that the official URL for the Google Play Developer Console is

If you believe your account has been compromised, please follow these instructions:

The Google Play Support Team

(c)2015 Google Inc.
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043

You have received this mandatory email service announcement to update you about important information relating to your Google Play account.

StackOverflow でも話題に.

NOTE: A bunch of people reported getting these in the past few hours - these are ALL phishing scams and all came from an address with three o's in the email address:

android - 3-Day Notification of Google Play Developer Term Violation - Stack Overflow

メールが来た場合, 誰でも必ずしなければならないこと


× :


◯ :
◯ :


他にどうにか対処法はないものか, どのメールが本物かいまいちわかりずらい.


About phishing - Accounts Help
Compromised Gmail account - Gmail Help

Google Drive 「セキュリティ診断で 2GB 無料追加」はどこで確認できるのか

2/17 までにセキュリティ診断を行うと, 2GB無料追加のキャンペーン.

This Safer Internet Day, we’re reminded how important online safety is and hope you’ll use this as an opportunity to take 2 minutes to complete a simple Security Checkup. While everything stored in Drive is always encrypted in transit and at rest in Google’s custom-built data centers, this checkup ensures you’re making the most of the 24/7 protection you already get from Google. As our way of saying thanks for completing the checkup by 17 February 2015, we’ll give you a permanent 2 gigabyte bump in your Google Drive storage plan.

Google Drive Blog: A quick checkup and a simple thanks

確認しながらボタンを押すだけ. 数分で終わる.


で, どこで確認したらいいのか.

Google ドライブは、ウェブ上でも、携帯端末でも、パソコンでも使用できます。使用中の容量を確認するには、ウェブ上の Google ドライブにアクセスして左下にカーソルを合わせます。開いたウィンドウに使用容量が表示されます。Google ドライブ、Gmail、Google+ フォトでの使用状況を確認するには にアクセスしてください。

保存容量の上限を確認する - ドライブ ヘルプ

Drive, Gmail など容量のカウントにいくつかきまりがあるようだけども.


あれ, 増えてないような...


We’ll be granting the storage automatically to everyone around 28 February 2015 and we’ll send you an email when your adjustment is complete.

今月末頃に追加されて, メールで追加完了のお知らせくるのかっ.