Android を「セーフモード」で起動してクソなアプリを特定する

端末を電源ONしてOSの起動が完了すると, それに反応して起動するアプリがつくれるのは周知のことと.

Broadcast Action: This is broadcast once, after the system has finished booting. It can be used to perform application-specific initialization, such as installing alarms. You must hold the RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED permission in order to receive this broadcast.

Intent ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETE | Android Developers

アプリインストール時にパーミッション (権限許可) の確認こそあるものの, 今となっては, 誰もがあんまり気にせずインストールすると思える.

実際, 今, あたしの端末で見てみると,

88個もの のアプリが利用してる.


で, こんなのみかけた.


再起動してセーフモードに変更する - Nexus ヘルプ



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【英検/TOEIC】英単語・熟語 を 音声付きカードで覚えることができる「Ankidroid (Anki) 」で爆速暗記すべし

別に, 英単語でもなくてもいいけども.







いまどきは, だれもがスマホを持ってる時代.

スマホは 世界中で喋られてる言語をある程度流暢に喋ることができますよね.

そんなスマホをつかって, 目だけでなく, 耳も使って効率的に


続きを読む >>

homebrew で jad を入れようとする その前に「brew tap」?


homebrewでjadを入れる - 銀の人のメモ帳


brew tap homebrew/binary
brew install jad

さらっと, 眺めて jad いれてみようと,

~ $ jad
-bash: jad: command not found
~ $ brew search jad
~ $ brew install jad
Error: No available formula for jad
Searching taps...
~ $ jad
-bash: jad: command not found

ん, tap するのか.

~ $ brew tap homebrew/binary
Cloning into '/usr/local/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-binary'...
remote: Reusing existing pack: 137, done.
remote: Total 137 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
Receiving objects: 100% (137/137), 21.78 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (63/63), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
Tapped 13 formula
~ $ brew install jad
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
 /usr/local/Cellar/jad/1.5.8g: 4 files, 456K, built in 5 second
> ~ $ ja
> Jad v1.5.8g. Copyright 2001 Pavel Kouznetsov (
> Usage:    jad [option(s)] <filename(s)>
> Options: -a       - generate JVM instructions as comments (annotate
>         -af      - output fully qualified names when annotatin
>         -b       - generate redundant braces (braces
>         -clear   - clear all prefixes, including the default one
>         -d <dir> - directory for output file
>         -dead    - try to decompile dead parts of code (if there are any
>         -dis     - disassembler only (disassembler
>         -f       - generate fully qualified names (fullnames
>         -ff      - output fields before methods (fieldsfirst
>         -i       - print default initializers for fields (definits
>         -l<num>  - split strings into pieces of max <num> chars (splitstr
>         -lnc     - output original line numbers as comments (lnc
>         -lradix<num>- display long integers using the specified radi
>         -nl      - split strings on newline characters (splitstr
>         -noconv  - don't convert Java identifiers into valid ones (noconv
>         -nocast  - don't generate auxiliary cast
>         -noclass - don't convert .class operator
>         -nocode  - don't generate the source code for method
>         -noctor  - suppress the empty constructor
>         -nodos   - turn off check for class files written in DOS mod
>         -nofd    - don't disambiguate fields with the same names (nofldis
>         -noinner - turn off the support of inner classe
>         -nolvt   - ignore Local Variable Table entries (nolvt
>         -nonlb   - don't insert a newline before opening brace (nonlb
>         -o       - overwrite output files without confirmatio
>         -p       - send all output to STDOUT (for piping
>         -pa <pfx>- prefix for all packages in generated source file
>         -pc <pfx>- prefix for classes with numerical names (default: _cls
>         -pe <pfx>- prefix for unused exception names (default: _ex
>         -pf <pfx>- prefix for fields with numerical names (default: _fld
>         -pi<num> - pack imports into one line using .* (packimports
>         -pl <pfx>- prefix for locals with numerical names (default: _lcl
>         -pm <pfx>- prefix for methods with numerical names (default: _mth
>         -pp <pfx>- prefix for method parms with numerical names (default:_prm
>         -pv<num> - pack fields with the same types into one line (packfields
>         -r       - restore package directory structur
>         -radix<num>- display integers using the specified radix (8, 10, or 16
>         -s <ext> - output file extension (default: .jad
>         -safe    - generate additional casts to disambiguate methods/field
>         -space   - output space between keyword (if, while, etc) and expressio
>         -stat    - show the total number of processed classes/methods/field
>         -t<num>  - use <num> spaces for indentation (default: 4
>         -t       - use tabs instead of spaces for indentatio
>         -v       - show method names while decompiling

入れることはできたけど, 「brew tap」てなにをしてるのだろう.

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