AGP Upgrade Assistant で 7.2 移行時にCause: manifestData.`package` must not be null





[AGP Upgrade Assistant]


Move package from Android manifest to build files

Declaration of a project's namespace using the package attribute of the Android manifest is deprecated in favour of a namespace declaration in build files.



Gradle sync failed: Cause: manifestData.`package` must not be null

Issue Tracker にありました。

AGP namespace property and app id suffix and Safe Args plugin don't work together

Using the new namespace property in build.gradle instead of the package attribute in AndroidManifest.xml while also using a custom applicationIdSuffix breaks androidx.navigation.safeargs plugin.

👉 Gradle sync failed: Cause: manifestData.`package` must not be null - Issue Tracker
👉 AGP namespace property and app id suffix and Safe Args plugin don't work together [232107688] - Visible to Public - Issue Tracker hatena-bookmark

どうやら、namespace の新記述は、

androidx.navigation.safeargs と同時に使えないようです。






[Find in Files ...]




👉 AndroidManifest の package 属性による名前空間宣言が廃止される - BattleProgrammerShibata hatena-bookmark

2行だけなので直接書き換えて namespace 記述は以前の形に戻す。と。


👉 java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: The method 'java.lang.Class java.lang.Object.getClass()' was expected to be of type interface but instead was found to be of type virtual hatena-bookmark

関連ワード:  AndroidAndroidStudioGoogleGradleJetBrainsツールニュースライブラリ人気ニュース速報評判速報開発