Error: ComponentProcessingStep was unable to process 'AppApplication_HiltComponents.SingletonC' because 'DefaultActivityViewModelFactory' could not be resolved.

Releases dagger-2.34
Dagger2.34 にアップデートしたら全くビルドが通らず。

Error: ComponentProcessingStep was unable to process '' because '' could not be resolved.



androidx.hilt:hilt-lifecycle-viewmodel が不要

Hmm, the androidx.hilt:hilt-lifecycle-viewmodel artifacts were deprecated in the Dagger 2.34 release in favor of native Hilt API. The missing DefaultActivityViewModelFactory class is no longer in the Hilt codebase.

You should be able to fix this using the instructions in the 2.34 release notes to upgrade to the new HiltViewModel API.

androidx.hilt:hilt-lifecycle-viewmodel アーティファクトはDagger 2.34リリースで非推奨となり、ネイティブHilt APIに切り替わりました。

👉 ComponentProcessingStep was unable to process '*Application_HiltComponents.SingletonC' · Issue #3257 · google/dagger

New breaking changes
The alpha androidx extension @ViewModelInject is no longer supported. @ViewModelInject has been deprecated since androidx.hilt 1.0.0-alpha03 and was removed in androidx.hilt 1.0.0-beta01. Hilt now falls back to the base activity/fragment default ViewModelProviderFactory (3778ee2)

Migration steps:
Users of @ViewModelInject can migrate to @HiltViewModel which was added in Dagger 2.31.

1. Add @HiltViewModel annotation to the class
2. Replace the @ViewModelInject annotation on the constructor with @Inject.
3. Remove @Assisted from the SavedStateHandle constructor parameter, if it exists
4. Remove the old androidx.hilt:hilt-lifecycle-viewmodel dependency from your build.gradle file

👉 Release Dagger 2.34 · google/dagger 

私の場合は、上記の手順を確認して build.gradle を修正でビルド通るようになりました。削除漏れです。

androidx.hilt:hilt-lifecycle-viewmodel artifacts were deprecated in the Dagger 2.34 release in favor of native Hilt API.

build ファイルの削除漏れが影響を及ぼすことが結構多くなりました、最近。

関連ワード:  AndroiddaggerGoogleニュースライブラリ開発