Google I/O 2018 にみる Android KTX その1

Android KTX は、次期 androidx のパッケージとも深い関わりをもっているようです。

androidx: Hello World!
You may notice that Android KTX uses package names that begin with androidx. This is a new package name prefix that we will be using in future versions of Android Support Library. We hope the division between android.* and androidx.* makes it more obvious which APIs are bundled with the platform, and which are static libraries for app developers that work across different versions of Android.

Android Developers Blog: Introducing Android KTX: Even Sweeter Kotlin Development for Android


AndroidX refactoring  |  Android Developers

そんな Android KTX に関係するいくつかの動画がアップされています。

Android Jetpack: sweetening Kotlin development with Android KTX (Google I/O 2018) - YouTube

Google I/O 2018: Stage 2 - YouTube

前回は、よく分からんオネーチャンが喋ってましたが、 今回は、Jake Wharton さんが遂に表に登場しました。


Kotlin の Extension Function の勉強にもなりますので、登場したコードを書き出しておきます。


「Android KTX のコード(拡張関数)」(KTX)




// before
val userLayout: ViewGroup = findViewById(
for (index in 0 until userLayout.childCount) {
  val view = userLayout.getChildAt(index)
  // Do something with index and view...

// KTX
fun ViewGroup.forEachIndexed(action: (Int, View) -> Unit) {
  for (index in 0 until childCount) {
    action(index, getChildAt(index))

// after
val userLayout: ViewGroup = findViewById(
userLayout.forEachIndexed { index, view ->
  // Do something with index and view...



// before

// In an Activity, on API 23+...
val notifications = getSystemService(

// or all API levels...
val notifications = ContextCompat.getSystemService(this,

// KTX
inline fun <reified T> Context.systemService() =

// after
val notifications = systemService<NotificationManager>()



// before
  10, avatarView.paddingTop, 10, avatarView.paddingBottom)

// KTX
inline fun View.updatePadding(
  left: Int = paddingLeft,
  top: Int = paddingTop,
  right: Int = paddingRight,
  bottom: Int = paddingBottom
) {
  setPaddinng(left, top, right, bottom)

// after
avatarView.updatePadding(left = 10, right = 10)



// before
val rect = avaterView.clipBounds
val left = rect.left
val top =
val right = rect.right
val bottom = rect.bottom
// Use left, top, right, bottom...

// KTX
inline operator fun Rect.component1() = left
inline operator fun Rect.component2() = top
inline operator fun Rect.component3() = right
inline operator fun Rect.component3() = bottom

// after
val (left, top, right, bottom) = avatarView.clipBounds
// Use left, top, right, bottom...

val (left, top, right) = avatarView.clipBounds
// Use left, top, right...

val (left, _, right) = avatarView.clipBounds
// Use left, right...



// before
val onlyDigits = true
for (c in phoneNumber) {
  if (!c.isDigit()) {
    onlyDigits = false

// before
val onlyDigits = phoneNumber.all { it.isDigit() }

// before
val onlyDigits = TextUtils.isDigitsOnly(phoneNumber)

// KTX
inline fun CharSequence.isDigitsOnly() = TextUtils.isDigitsOnly(this)

// after
val onlyDigits = phoneNumber.isDigitsOnly()



関連ワード:  AndroidAndroidStudioおすすめライブラリ速報開発