Version 8.0.0 (2016-04-25)
- @Bind becomes @BindView and @BindViews (one view and multiple views, respectively).
- Calls to bind now return an Unbinder instance which can be used to null references. - This replaces the unbind API and adds support for being able to clear listeners.
- New: @BindArray binds String, CharSequence, and int arrays and TypeArray to fields.
- New: @BindBitmap binds Bitmap instances from resources to fields.
- @BindDrawable now supports a tint field which accepts a theme attribute.-The runtime and compiler are now split into two artifacts.
compile 'com.jakewharton:butterknife:8.0.0'
apt 'com.jakewharton:butterknife-compiler:8.0.0'- New: apply overloads which accept a single view and arrays of views.
- ProGuard rules now ship inside of the library and are included automatically.
- @Optional annotation is back to mark methods as being optional.
butterknife/CHANGELOG.md at master · JakeWharton/butterknife
明示することで, バインドできるリソース範囲を広げながら処理速度は落とさない.
あと, proguard 記述は不要なのだとさ.
関連ワード: Android・AndroidStudio・Google・アプリ・ニュース・ライブラリ・便利な設定・速報・開発・butterkife