In the latest version of Android Studio (0.2.11) Generate Signed Apk no longer works. You're directed to set up a signing configuration in your gradle.bundle file, which (presumably) has to be run by hand from the command line unless you're willing to hardcode your password there
How to set up gradle and android studio to do release build? - Stack Overflow
I ended up just using "gradle installRelease" and coping the release APK from build/apk folder.
I am not sure why we are getting this, I do have my signingConfigs setup properly in build.gradle.
Android Studio: Signing issue after upgrade - Stack Overflow
android { signingConfigs { debug { storeFile file("debug.keystore") } myConfig { storeFile file("other.keystore") storePassword "android" keyAlias "androiddebugkey" keyPassword "android" } } buildTypes { foo { debuggable true jniDebugBuild true signingConfig signingConfigs.myConfig } } }
Gradle Plugin User Guide - Android Tools Project Site
build.gradle を上記を参考に記述して、
$ gradle installRelease
と実行して、build/apk フォルダ内にapkを取ってきましたけど。
build.gradle にパスワードとかプレーンで書くとかどうなのか、
AndroidStudio のパスワード管理まわりが未対応なのかな。
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