Android SDK update SDK Tools, Revision 22.0.5 (July 2013)


Android SDK Platform-tools revision 16 or later.
If you are developing in Eclipse with the ADT Plugin, note that this version of SDK Tools is designed for use with ADT 22.0.5 and later. If you haven't already, update ADT to 22.0.5.
If you are using Android Studio, note that this version of the SDK Tools is designed to work with Android Studio 0.2.x and later.
If you are developing without an integrated development environment (IDE), you must have Apache Ant 1.8 or later.
General Notes:
Fixed Renderscript compilation issue for Windows platforms with ant.
Updated Systrace to work with the Android 4.3 platform image.
Fixed packaging of Renderscript compiler.
Build tools 18.0.0 is obsolete and 18.0.1 should be used instead.



AndroidStudio 1.x の人はアップデートしたほうが
よさげですね 2.x に。

SDK Tools | Android Developers SDK Tools | Android Developers

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