GALAXY NEXUS の不意な再起動(リブート)は「デバウンス」が原因で4.0.3で修正される?!

連続再起動をつづけるあたしのAndroid GALAXY NEXUSですがー。







Dan Morrill - Google+ - Let's talk about the Google Nexus "volumegate" issue. … 


Heh... yep, completely accurate. I almost said "eerily accurate" even, except not really: it's a very common phenomenon, and this is the classic fix. That an engineer would correctly guess the most common fix for a common phenomenon isn't really eerie. 🙂
Lee Johnston originally shared this post:
Let's talk about the Google Nexus "volumegate" issue.

Today Google said that they have fixed the problem in software, and that a fix is coming.
I see many people saying this is a bunch of BS, but in reality they just have no idea how complex electronic circuits and software interact.

I'm a Systems Engineer and also a Developer. I deal with things like this every day.

What we have here is indeed a hardware issue, in that the radio interference is coming in through the radio hardware.
However things like this can be fix fairly easily in software. It's called debounce.
When you monitor an electronic input like the buttons on a phone there is always noise and flutter even when you just press the button. If testing by Google has shown that they just need to turn up the debounce time (the time which an input must exceed for it to be determined to be a genuine press) then it will more than likely just work and no one will ever see ti again.

Like I said I deal with this kind of thing every day, it's not a big deal as long as your debounce time is not excessive. But noise happens down on the order of 1 to 40 ms, real inputs when you press a button last from 100 or 200ms if you tap the button, up to seconds if you hold it down.

This is nothing like Apple and the iPhone 4 antennae problems that could not be fixed in software. I'm sure everyone will see in due time, the problem will be fixed, and the dust will blow over.

And people will be saying "wow, I was wrong, Google rocks!"






ソフトウェアで修正することができなかったのiPhone 4アンテナの問題とは違う








よろしくお願いします! Android OS の開発者とGoogleの皆様!!


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