DefaultLifecycleObserver や LifecycleEventObserver の使い方


DefaultLifecycleObserver や LifecycleEventObserver の使い方

Annotation that can be used to mark methods on LifecycleObserver implementations that should be invoked to handle lifecycle events.

This annotation required the usage of code generation or reflection, which should be avoided. Use DefaultLifecycleObserver or LifecycleEventObserver instead.

いつのまにか deprecated。


👉 DefaultLifecycleObserver  |  Android Developers 

👉 LifecycleEventObserver  |  Android Developers 


👉 android - Do I need to call removeObserver for lifecycle, upon its onDestroy() event? - Stack Overflow 
👉 JakeWharton/timber: A logger with a small, extensible API which provides utility on top of Android's normal Log class.