【SwiftUI / SwiftData】Using ViewModifier for setting ModelContainer 🔌

ViewModifiers can be used in nested parent-child Views for each respective #Preview, making it convenient. This also enhances clarity even further.


🔌 Using as an extension of View

Create a custom ViewModifier.

struct DogDataContainerViewModifier: ViewModifier {
  func body(content: Content) -> some View {
      .modelContainer(try! ModelContainer(for: Dog.self))

All ViewModifiers will be turned into extensions.

extension View {
  func dogDataContainer() -> some View {

It is used in the implementation of the parent as well as in the #Preview of the child.

struct DogView: View {
  // ...

#Preview {


🔌 Initializing or creating data

Additionally, as there are often data initialization or creation tasks, I'll add those.

This will be in the part with View.onAppear().

We'll use ModelContext to manipulate the data.

struct GenerateDataViewModifier: ViewModifier {
  @Environment(\.modelContext) private var modelContext
  func body(content: Content) -> some View {
    content.onAppear {
      DataGeneration.generateAllData(modelContext: modelContext)

This will also be made into an extension.

extension View {
  func generateData() -> some View {

Let's add this to the initial code.

struct DogDataContainerViewModifier: ViewModifier {
  func body(content: Content) -> some View {
      .modelContainer(try! ModelContainer(for: Dog.self))


🔌 Conclusion

I'll summarize it.

struct DogDataContainerViewModifier: ViewModifier {
  func body(content: Content) -> some View {
      .modelContainer(try! ModelContainer(for: Dog.self))

struct GenerateDataViewModifier: ViewModifier {
  @Environment(\.modelContext) private var modelContext
  func body(content: Content) -> some View {
    content.onAppear {
      DataGeneration.generateAllData(modelContext: modelContext)

extension View {
  func dogDataContainer() -> some View {

fileprivate extension View {
  func generateData() -> some View {

When using, only basic public extensions are used.

struct DogView: View {
  // ...

#Preview {

It can also be used on the implementation side.

For reference, below is Apple's official sample code.

👉 sample-backyard-birds/BackyardBirdsData/General/BackyardBirdsDataContainer.swift at 1843d5655bf884b501e2889ad9862ec58978fdbe · apple/sample-backyard-birds hatena-bookmark

【SwiftUI】SwiftData でスレッドセーフにバックグラウンドでデータを扱う 🔄 - @ModelActor

SwiftData は便利だけども UI スレッドが重くならないのかな。

という考えからの Todo アプリを作成しながらのスレッドまわりの実装修行。


🔄 実装イメージ

API にリクエストを投げると画面が自動的に更新される、という形。

時間のかかる処理は UI スレッドに負荷がかからないように他のスレッドで処理する。

SwiftUI のボタン押してのダウンロードリクエストから、WEB API からデータ取得して、SwiftData ストレージ に保存。

SwiftUI 上では SwiftData マクロ @Query で observe しておいて変化検出即時画面更新。

【SwiftUI】SwiftData をスレッドセーフにバックグラウンドでデータを扱う 🔄 - @ModelActor

そのまま、SwiftData ストレージはローカルキャッシュとなる。


🔄 SwiftData はバックグラウンドで使えるのか

WWDC2023 での会話らしいです。

@Duncan: As I understand it, SwiftData model objects are not thread-safe, just like NSManagedObjects. Are there any additional mechanisms to make managing this easier for us than it was in traditional Core Data? e.g., compiler warnings before passing an object out of its context?

@Dave N (Apple): We have provided the ModelActor protocol & the DefaultModelExecutor to make SwiftData work with Swift Concurrency. Use your ModelContainer to initialize a ModelContext in the initializer for your ModelActor conforming actor object and use that context to initialize a DefaultModelExecutor. This will allow you to use that context with async functions on your actor.

@Ben T (Apple): Swift will enforce sendability requirements

@Duncan: SwiftData のモデルオブジェクトは NSManagedObject と同様にスレッドセーフではないと理解しています。従来の Core Data と比べて、オブジェクトを扱う際に管理しやすくするための追加のメカニズムはありますか?例えば、オブジェクトをそのコンテキストから出す前にコンパイラの警告があるでしょうか?

@Dave N(Apple): 私たちは ModelActor プロトコルと DefaultModelExecutor を提供しており、Swift Concurrency と連携するための SwiftData を使用できます。ModelActor に準拠するアクターオブジェクトのイニシャライザで ModelContainer を使用して ModelContext を初期化し、そのコンテキストを使用して DefaultModelExecutor を初期化します。これにより、そのコンテキストをアクターの非同期関数で使用できるようになります。

@Ben T(Apple): Swift は送信可能性の要件を強制します。

👉 Using SwiftData in background? | Apple Developer Forums hatena-bookmark


  • ModelContext
  • ModelActor
  • DefaultModelExecutor



🔄 @ModelActor

このマクロを expand すると、前述の会話を実装していることがわかります。

class でなく actor に付けるようです。

actor SampleService {
  nonisolated let modelExecutor: any SwiftData.ModelExecutor
  nonisolated let modelContainer: SwiftData.ModelContainer

  init(modelContainer: SwiftData.ModelContainer) {
    let modelContext = ModelContext(modelContainer)
    self.modelExecutor = DefaultSerialModelExecutor(modelContext: modelContext)
    self.modelContainer = modelContainer

extension SampleService: SwiftData.ModelActor {

DefaultSerialModelExecutor() になっているのは、改良して直感的に順番通りに流れるようになったのかな。


  "slip": { 
    "id": 136, 
    "advice": "Everything matters, but nothing matters that much."

👉 Advice Slip JSON API hatena-bookmark

modelContext が非同期関数内で利用できるようになりました。

actor TodoService {
  private(set) static var shared: TodoService!
  static func create(modelContainer: ModelContainer) {
    shared = TodoService(modelContainer: modelContainer)
  func download() async {
    do {
      for i in 0 ..< 10 {
        let random = await RandomAdvice.get()
        modelContext.insert(Todo(text: "\(i). \(random.slip.advice)"))
        try modelContext.save()
    } catch {
      if Task.isCancelled {
        print("Task was cancelled.")

Task は別ボタンでキャンセルできるように掴んでおく。

Button {
  task = Task {
    await TodoService.shared.download()
} label: {
  Image(systemName: "icloud.and.arrow.down")
.onAppear {
  TodoService.create(modelContainer: modelContext.container)


🔄 まとめ

マクロって GitHub でコードを眺めてるとコードの意味が全くみえない。

しかし、SwiftData のみでここまでできることに驚きました。



👉 【Swift】この ModelActor ってなぜ生きてるの? hatena-bookmark


🔄 参考

👉 Context outside of SwiftUI Views | Apple Developer Forums hatena-bookmark
👉 Sendable and @Sendable closures explained with code examples hatena-bookmark
👉 SwiftData background inserts using… | Apple Developer Forums hatena-bookmark
👉 ModelActor Implementation Changes … | Apple Developer Forums hatena-bookmark

【Xcode】Preview Crashed で 表示されない 📲

Xcode の Preview がクラッシュしっぱなし。

【Xcode】Preview Crashed で 表示されない


xcrun simctl -—set previews delete all

👉 Preview keeps crashing | Apple Developer Forums hatena-bookmark
👉 SwiftUIのプレビューが動かなくなった時の対処方法 #SwiftUI - Qiita hatena-bookmark


📲 ログから原因を見つける



cd ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports
file=$(ls XCPreview* | head -1)
open $file



📲 対応方法



👉 【SwiftUI】PreviewのSimulator残留 | thwork hatena-bookmark

cd ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/Previews/Simulator\ Devices/
find . -name com.apple.suggestions.plist -exec plutil -replace SuggestionsAppLibraryEnabled -bool NO {} ";"

👉 [Tips]Xcode13.1のSwiftUIのpreviewでCPU使用率が高くなるのをSpotlightを止めて回避する(iOS15) #iOS - Qiita hatena-bookmark

- Restart the computer and re-run xcrun simctl --set previews delete all
- Delete stored Preview data directly. This data is stored in ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/Previews.

👉 Use Realm with SwiftUI Previews — Realm hatena-bookmark

xcrun simctl --set previews delete unavailable | all

👉 SwiftUI Previews - Disk space issue | Apple Developer Forums hatena-bookmark

Save space by
1. xcrun simctl delete unavailable
2. xcrun simctl erase all
3. Delete /Users/username/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator folder.

👉 swiftui - Xcode 13 UI Previews folder takes too much space - Stack Overflow hatena-bookmark


📲 xcrun simctl とは ?

コマンドラインツールから help を確認する。

❯ xcrun simctl help
usage: simctl [--set <path>] [--profiles <path>] <subcommand> ...
       simctl help [subcommand]
Command line utility to control the Simulator

For subcommands that require a <device> argument, you may specify a device UDID
or the special "booted" string which will cause simctl to pick a booted device.
If multiple devices are booted when the "booted" device is selected, simctl
will choose one of them.

	addmedia            Add photos, live photos, videos, or contacts to the library of a device.
	boot                Boot a device or device pair.
	clone               Clone an existing device.
	create              Create a new device.
	delete              Delete specified devices, unavailable devices, or all devices.
	diagnose            Collect diagnostic information and logs.
	erase               Erase a device's contents and settings.
	get_app_container   Print the path of the installed app's container
	getenv              Print an environment variable from a running device.
	help                Prints the usage for a given subcommand.
	icloud_sync         Trigger iCloud sync on a device.
	install             Install an app on a device.
	install_app_data    Install an xcappdata package to a device, replacing the current contents of the container.
	io                  Set up a device IO operation.
	keychain            Manipulate a device's keychain
	launch              Launch an application by identifier on a device.
	list                List available devices, device types, runtimes, or device pairs.
	location            Control a device's simulated location
	logverbose          enable or disable verbose logging for a device
	openurl             Open a URL in a device.
	pair                Create a new watch and phone pair.
	pair_activate       Set a given pair as active.
	pbcopy              Copy standard input onto the device pasteboard.
	pbpaste             Print the contents of the device's pasteboard to standard output.
	pbsync              Sync the pasteboard content from one pasteboard to another.
	privacy             Grant, revoke, or reset privacy and permissions
	push                Send a simulated push notification
	rename              Rename a device.
	runtime             Perform operations on runtimes
	shutdown            Shutdown a device.
	spawn               Spawn a process by executing a given executable on a device.
	status_bar          Set or clear status bar overrides
	terminate           Terminate an application by identifier on a device.
	ui                  Get or Set UI options
	uninstall           Uninstall an app from a device.
	unpair              Unpair a watch and phone pair.
	upgrade             Upgrade a device to a newer runtime.

❯ xcrun simctl help delete
Delete specified devices, unavailable devices, or all devices.
Usage: simctl delete <device> [... <device n>] | unavailable | all

Specifying unavailable will delete devices that are not supported by the current Xcode SDK.

❯ xcrun simctl list devices
== Devices ==
-- iOS 17.0 --
    iPhone SE (3rd generation) (EE4D7500-5439-4D41-AD42-6028F649FA44) (Shutdown)
    iPhone 15 (984F204F-2D4E-4E56-8EEE-D11C46EDD9C2) (Shutdown)
    iPhone 15 Plus (C1349C55-57AC-4E47-9EF3-71A848E24A4E) (Shutdown)
    iPhone 15 Pro (04DC04FF-87DB-4EB6-91D8-C8CB4CF10015) (Shutdown)
    iPhone 15 Pro Max (5DC11544-4C3E-4852-8899-3D9E0844519B) (Shutdown)
    iPad Air (5th generation) (906B44B3-B298-4CF1-A5FB-0B4D43277636) (Shutdown)
    iPad (10th generation) (3804C1FA-6306-4CB7-98E0-D24CAFA70537) (Shutdown)
    iPad mini (6th generation) (351ED4C6-2DF3-4F1F-A29A-6D44483D9A95) (Shutdown)
    iPad Pro (11-inch) (4th generation) (96D48442-96AA-421A-BBA6-6F45EE8ECDBE) (Shutdown)
    iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (6th generation) (0B527419-DE2A-4146-93C4-55540B624C5C) (Shutdown)

❯ xcrun simctl --set previews list devices
Using Previews Device Set: '/Users/mao/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/Previews/Simulator Devices'
== Devices ==
-- iOS 17.0 --
    iPhone 15 Pro (676858D4-35E8-4841-91F4-17804B3E7565) (Shutdown)


Preview は、シュミレータ単独と別枠でシュミレータを使っている。



📲 まとめ

Preview と シュミレーターに関連する問題は多そうです。

  • CPU 使用率
  • ストレージ占有
  • キャッシュ・データ不整合

私の場合スッキリ対応した方法としては、以下を Xcode を一旦終了して実行。

xcrun simctl --set previews delete all
rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/Previews
rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Caches

👉 How to clear/reset SwiftUI Preview Caches? hatena-bookmark

Behavors に入れときますか、消した previews に関しては自動で作成されると思って良さそう。