今、Mac で FTPコマンドを使う


Command Not Found. ですよね、今。


$ brew install inetutils

あれ、fomula 見つかりませんね、今。

I posted a question on the Emacs Stack Exchange which goes into detail
about my specific problem: https://emacs.stackexchange.com/q/35747/10761

Basically, I'm seeing some weird behavior and errors in Emacs when I try
to use Dired as an FTP client while using GNU's `ftp'. The same behavior
does not exist when I use Apple's `ftp' (which can be found at
this link: https://opensource.apple.com/tarballs/lukemftp/ ).

I'm inclined to think that this issue is a bug for `inetutils' on OS X,
as the same problem does not occur on Ubuntu. Is this the case or is it
the fault of Emacs or something else entirely?

[bug-inetutils] Problems with `ftp' on OS X 10.13

inetutils unfortunately exhibits some bugs on High Sierra so this will be a better solution and should make everyone happy.


$ brew install tnftp


terminal - How to get BSD FTP and Telnet back in 10.13 (High Sierra)? - Ask Different

Emacs でブクマークしておきますか。

設定ファイル:~/.netrc: UNIX/Linuxの部屋



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